Stimmen – was Kunden und Kollegen sagen
Über viele Jahre hinweg durfte ich in meinem Netzwerk mit großartigen, interessanten und sehr unterschiedlichen Menschen zusammenarbeiten – gemeinsam mit Ihnen Erfahrungen teilen und sammeln. Ihre wertvollen Rückmeldungen, ihre Sicht von Außen auf mich und die Welt, haben mir immer wieder geholfen mich weiter zu entwickeln. Durch sie erhalten Sie einen kleinen Einblick in diese, meine Welt.
Meine Welt durch meine Augen, meine mich prägendsten Stationen, finden Sie im nächsten Kapitel – Leben.
…Exzellent! Ich bin von Ihrer Idee und der Ausführung begeistert…

“Exzellent! Ich bin von Ihrer Idee und der Ausführung begeistert! Sie haben gezeigt, dass Sie die methodischen Grundlagen eines handlungsorientierten Trainings verstanden haben und exzellent in die Praxis überführen können. Ich wünsche Ihnen und Ihren TeilnehmerInnen Freude an den zukünftigen Trainings. Ich bin weltweit in der Lehrerfortbildung tätig und hätte gerne Ihr Einverständnis, dass ich Ihre Materialien unter Angabe Ihres Namens in Seminaren zur Fortbildung einsetzen darf.”
…I appreciated how you conquered the team…

“I just wanted to thank you again for the excellent job you did with our team – it was a pleasant, fruitful and insightful exercise. I really appreciated how you conquered the team by explaining the bigger picture of HR management and development, by being patient, intuitive and not least by your smile. Your professional seniority came with the right level of authority over our manager and the team as a whole. Well done, really!”
…with a lot of humor and charm and unique capacity for empathy…

“Cheerful, avid, creative, sensitive, target-oriented and well-organized are the adjectives that come to mind when I think about Karin. I had the pleasure of being coached by her when I was searching for new opportunities and professional advancement. For me as an expat living in Laos, the coaching was a unique opportunity to obtain qualified advice in a foreign, often challenging environment. Karin created a holistic positioning on a professional and personal level for me. The way she performed was very clear and enjoyable. Her positive attitude and the respect I felt during the session gave me security and confirmation in my career plans. I highly recommend her as an inspiring coach with a lot of humor and charm and unique capacity for empathy.”
…demonstrates consistency between words and actions…

“Karin is a highly engaged and passionate HR Business Partner with broad functional expertise and outstanding personality. She gains the confidence and trust of others showing integer and ethical behavior. She treats people fairly and demonstrates consistency between words and actions. In a very demanding and challenging business environment Karin was always acting in the best interest of her internal customers and was a respected expert and trusted advisor. With her creative and results oriented working style she strongly supported business decision makers. It was a great pleasure and privilege to work with Karin and I can highly recommend her.”
…a great person even before being an excellent professional…

“Karin is a great person even before being an excellent professional. I had the privilege to work with her while coordinating HR in Europe. At this time, I met a skillful and passionate HR, dedicated to her function. Karin has always shown a participative and innovative team spirit and I strongly recommend her for any local or international HR team.”
…very proactive and highly respected in my team and myself…

“Karin Jungmann has been a highly professional HR Manager, very proactive and highly respected in my team and myself. She has been in charge of all HR questions for the Elements Business at Swarovski, which I have been in charge of as a Senior VP Marketing at a time. She has been a true business partner to our business unit and I can highly recommend her.”
…außerordentlich gründlich, sehr kreativ…
“Die einzelnen Aufgaben möchte ich im Kommentar durch eine Reihe von Superlativen beurteilen. Sie arbeiten außerordentlich gründlich, sehr kreativ, weisen sehr sichere Kenntnisse zur Thematik nach, erarbeiten Arbeitsblätter und Trainingseinheiten sehr engagiert, kurz: Ausgezeichnet!”
…thank you Karin for helping me see the change that I wanted…

“After many years working in the development sector, I started wondering whether this was still the right choice for me. There were many things going on in my mind about commitment, wanting to try new challenges, being stuck in old ways, family, salary, buying a house… I contacted Karin to support me in putting some clarity on those issues and untangle the messy threads of my thoughts. She helped me find answers by reflecting on what energizes and what drains me, on what I really want from life and what I think I want. Karin then supported me to come up with an achievable plan for change. One year on, I have achieved all the steps I had come up with, are making great progress towards my change plan and could not be happier with the result. Thank you, Karin, for helping me see the change that I wanted!”
…I link its success directly to the insights I gained in the session…

“I requested a coaching session with Karin before a new phase in my career started – and I link its success directly to the insights I gained in the session. These insights included appreciating in what kinds of teams and circumstances I thrive and perform well, which resulted in a better understanding of what kinds of jobs I should be applying for. The session also gave me the ability to embrace my own style of working and leading, without having to second-guess my decisions. This also led to the recognition that some of my abilities and skills are directly linked to character traits that are here to stay with me – thus, trying to change them would be counter-productive. This in turn freed up more energy for creativity and keeping up with changes and innovations in my field of expertise, daring to explore new approaches and feeling empowered to assertively recommend and apply these changes in approach that benefit the whole organization I work for.”